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TEC 230 The Designed World

This course will provide the prospective technology education teacher with the understanding and implementation skills needed to analyze, design, create, and critically evaluate solutions related to the field of medical technologies, agricultural technologies, energy and power, and principles of engineering. Students will use the design problem-solving approach after studying how the 'Designed World' has changed and affects our everyday lives. The 'Designed World' encourages the student to create a connection between the changes in medical, agricultural, energy and power, and the many engineering fields and how they all interact, providing experiences to function as a more skillful and knowledgeable citizen in society in relationship to his/her employment, community, environment, family and self. Students will engage in hands-on activities that encourage the integration of core academic areas and technology education. Students will explore new technologies and create activities that can be used in the classroom to help students better understand how all areas of the curriculum work together in the 'Designed World' to solve everyday problems. Visitation to experimental programs will take place and be reported back to the class for further discussion. Offered every other Fall.
