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SED 146 Individuals with Disabilities and Exceptionalities in the School and Community

A course designed to provide candidates with an understanding of children with disabilities and exceptionalities, the similarities and differences that occur among individuals who are defined as exceptional, and how these variations relate to typical development. A focus on the 13 primary disability categories provided by IDEA and Part 200 is provided. Legal, historical and cultural perspectives of disability within our culture are provided as candidates evaluate current issues in the field. Topics related to working with families and children from diverse backgrounds, including those with limited English proficiency, early identification of children with disabilities, and intervention models are included. The type and range of services available within national, state and local communities are examined, with a focus on home-school-community partnerships. One credit is earned through participation in, and implementation of, class content within an 18-hour field experience. Fulfills diversity requirement. Fall, Spring
