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ECE 490 Student Teaching:Pre-K/K; and Grades 1/2

Students will complete two student teaching experiences, one at the PreK or kindergarten level, and one in grades 1 or 2. During the first week of each experience, students will complete a 20-hour field experience during which they study and analyze the societal context, the family context, the instructional context, and the programmatic context of the setting, and also draw a profile of the children in the programs. The candidate will develop and implement a service learning project with students as part of the unit plan requirement, under the guidance of cooperating teachers and College of St. Rose personnel. Application must be made by February 1 for the Fall semester; by October 1 of the preceding Fall semester for a Spring student teaching placement. Prerequisites: good standing in the School of Education; required GPAs (2.75 in education; 2.25 in academic concentration;2.5 overall); grade of C or better in every education course; completion of education sequence; completion of violence prevention, substance abuse, child abuse, and HIV/AIDS workshop requirements. Students must obtain fingerprint clearance prior to beginning field experiences. Co-requisites: EDU 493 and EDU 494. Open only to majors at Saint Rose. Fall, Spring
