2022-2023 Catalog

Academic Integrity Policy

Student Academic Conduct Code

The University admits students with the expectation that they have previously developed acceptable personal standards of conduct and ethics. Admission to Cumberland University carries with it special privileges as well as special responsibilities different from those enjoyed by and/or imposed on non-students. All students, residents, guests, staff, and faculty are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the University. A disciplinary situation occurs when substantive violations of rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines or violations of local, state, and/or federal laws, rules, or regulations are reported to or discovered by appropriate University officials. Disciplinary procedures will be enforced for all substantiated violations. Student violations of Cumberland University policies, regulations, rules, and guidelines or a violation of local, state, and/or federal laws, rules, or regulations may lead to a non-renewal of or cancellation of current and future financial aid awards and to disciplinary sanctions as deemed necessary by appropriate Cumberland University officials.

University regulations go into effect when an individual matriculates and continues until the time of graduation or withdrawal. By the act of registration, the student agrees to accept standards and regulations reflected in this document and other publications of the University.

Academic Integrity

Cumberland University expects its students to pursue their academic work with honesty and integrity. The following are serious academic offenses that may result in sanctions up to and including expulsion:

Cheating in any form including facilitating another’s efforts to cheat.

Fabrication or falsifying documents, records, or credentials.

Unauthorized multiple submission including simultaneous submission of the same piece of work in two courses without the prior approval of both instructors, as well as turning in any assignment for which one has already received credit.

Abuse of academic materials including stealing, infringing upon, destroying, losing, defacing, or damaging intellectual resources that belong to someone else.

Electronic dishonesty including inappropriate access to network files, accounts, or resources, knowingly spreading viruses, disabling computer hardware or software, software piracy, and/or other forms of copyright infringement.

Receiving or giving assistance not authorized by the instructor in the preparation of any essay, laboratory report, examination, or other assignments included in an academic course.

Taking or attempting to take, steal, or otherwise procure in an unauthorized manner any material pertaining to the conduct of a class including, but not limited to, tests, examinations, laboratory equipment, and roll books.

Selling, lending, or otherwise furnishing to any unauthorized person material which can be shown to contain the answers to any examinations scheduled to be given at any subsequent date in any course of study offered by the University or any paper required as part of the academic requirements for any class taught at the University without authorization from the instructor.

Plagiarism or the representation of someone else's writing, computer program, or other creation as one's own.

It is the responsibility of all members of the community – students, faculty, staff, and administration – to familiarize themselves with the violations defined above. Students should help ensure that breaches of academic integrity do not remain undiscovered. Faculty must take responsibility for clearly defining, in course syllabi and assignments, the parameters of legitimate collaboration and any other areas in which boundaries of academic integrity may be unclear. The administration has a responsibility to assist in the fair and timely implementation of standards and sanctions.

Plagiarism - Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s words or ideas as one’s own. (See APA Manual, located in the reference section of the Vise Library). One of the most common forms of plagiarism is the paraphrasing of several phrases, sentences, or ideas in a paragraph with only one citation at the end of the paragraph resulting in confusion between the cited content and the researcher’s own words or ideas. Another common form is the practice of substituting words or phrases while retaining the original author’s form and structure.

Plagiarism in any form is one of the most egregious violations of professional ethics an author can commit. Submission of plagiarized material, even by accident or through ignorance, is a severe infraction of the professional ethical code and can result in expulsion from the program. To avoid plagiarism:

Cite sources within the text for all phrases or ideas that are quoted or paraphrased.

Cite sources within the text in the format delineated in your program’s writing manual


Academic Integrity Overview

Cumberland University considers any violation of academic integrity a significant offense and therefore subject to an appropriate sanction. Academic integrity violations at the University are classified into minor and major categories each with two levels of violation for a total of four levels of violations. 

  • Minor Violations: A Minor Violation is recognized by the faculty as a violation of concern, but not of the level of severity to warrant the student’s automatic failure of the course. All minor violations are recorded and filed in the Advocate System.

  • Major Violations: Recognized by the faculty as a violation of significant concern, warranting at minimum the student’s automatic failure of the course designated as “FC” (Failure due to Cheating) on the student’s transcript and academic probation. A major violation assigned in an individual course results in the automatic failure of the course. Note that a major violation will be recorded in the Advocate System.

The sanction levied is decided upon by the faculty member and when needed in consultation with the appropriate Program Director and/or School Dean. The University recommends sanctions intended as a general guideline for the University (See Appendix A - Academic Integrity Sanctions). Extenuating circumstances as well as the degree of responsibility and experience of an individual student may be a factor in the faculty member’s determination of the appropriate sanction. For example, the sanction imposed on a first-year student for a given violation may not be as severe as that imposed on a more experienced student (upperclassman or graduate student) for the same violation. All transgressions are recorded in the CU Advocate System. Faculty should notify their School Dean and the Office of the Registrar by email when the imposed sanction is "FC" (Failure Due to Cheating).

The CU Advocate System is the database system used for reporting and managing all academic integrity incidents at Cumberland University.

Academic Integrity Framework and Purpose

This policy provides a framework for promoting and protecting academic integrity in the affairs of the University. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for faculty, staff and other affiliated with the University related to: 

  • the role of academic integrity at Cumberland University,

  • promotion and protection of academic integrity, and

  • how to address an academic integrity violation.

The following procedures should be followed in the administration of this policy.

  • Upon the occurrence of an academic integrity violation, the faculty member will complete the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form (Appendix B). Questions about the use of the CU Advocate System are directed to the Dean of Students and/or AIB Chair.  The Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dean of Students, School Dean, and AIB Chair have access to the documentation in the CU Advocate System.

  • Within 48 hours of learning about the incident, the faculty member will contact and request to meet with the student in a personal, virtual or telephonic meeting.  The faculty member will review the academic integrity incident and the completed Academic Integrity Report Form, the supporting evidence, and the imposed sanction with the student. Definitions of the categories of academic violation are provided as a reference in Appendix A – Academic Integrity Sanctions Table.

  • The faculty member and student will wait a mandatory minimum 24-hours before signing the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form that was reviewed with the student in the meeting; however, the form must be signed no later than 5 business days after the meeting.  The student’s signature indicates their acknowledgment of the meeting with the faculty member and whether they agree or disagree with the violation and/or sanction.  Once completed the faculty member should upload the Violation Report Form to the Advocate System.

  • A student who does not agree with the academic integrity violation and/or sanction may appeal to the Academic Integrity Board (AIB).  The appeal must be filed on the Academic Integrity Appeal Form (Appendix C) and submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs within 5 business days of meeting with the faculty member and receiving notification of the academic integrity violation and sanction. A student that does not agree with the AIB’s decision can appeal to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs. The decision of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is final.

Violations and Sanctions

A student found to have engaged in academic integrity violations will receive the sanction or sanctions that the faculty member deems appropriate to the offense. By way of example only, sanctions may include, but are not limited to, a formal letter of censure, lower letter grade on an assignment, a grade of “F” on the assignment in question, dismissal from the course with a grade of “FC" (Failure Due to Cheating), suspension, and/or expulsion from the University. Faculty or staff reserve the right to determine what constitutes an academic integrity violation, the violation level of the incident, and the sanction that accompanies the violation. Faculty with questions about any of the aforementioned should consult with their Program Director, School Dean, Dean of Students, and/or AIB Chair.

Other Consequences of Violating the Academic Integrity Policy

Consequences of an academic integrity violation may reach beyond the classroom and beyond the student’s time at Cumberland University. If the faculty member or AIB deems the violation to be a major violation the student will receive at minimum a failing grade for the course and a designation of “FC” (failure due to cheating) will be permanently recorded on the student’s transcript. The FC is non-replaceable and cannot be removed from the transcript by retaking the course. Students are prohibited from withdrawing from a course to avoid receiving the “FC” on their transcript. The grade of "FC" is intended to acknowledge a student’s failure to uphold the Cumberland University’s Academic Integrity Policy. The grade of "FC" shall be treated in the same way as an "F" for the purposes of calculating grade point average (GPA) and determining academic class standing. Students deemed to have committed a major violation may also be expelled from the University. Additional sanctions may be imposed by the Office of Student Affairs in regard to student conduct. 

Note that any student found to have committed a major violation, with a grade of FC, will be prohibited from receiving honors at graduation.

  • There may also be negative impact for a student within their academic major or degree program based upon a finding of academic misconduct and the consequences of subsequent sanctions. Students are encouraged to discuss their involvement in an academic misconduct situation and its impact upon their academic major or degree program with their academic advisor.

When a violation occurs, students are encouraged to discuss their situation with advisors, parents, coaches, and other mentors. To allow time for advisement, there is a mandatory 24-hour waiting period required before the student may sign the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form, but not to exceed 5 business days.

Student Denial, Refusal to Sign, or Failure to Return Form

Student Denial: If the student denies the academic integrity violation and wishes to appeal the violation and/or sanction, the student must (1) sign, date, and indicate their disagreement on the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form, and (2) within 5 business days of signing the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form, initiate the appeal of the violation and/or sanction by submitting Academic Integrity Violation Appeal Form to the Office of Academic Affairs.

Refusal to Sign or Failure to Return Form: If the student refuses to sign or fails to return the signed Academic Integrity Report Form within 5 business days of the meeting, the faculty member will notate that the student refused to sign or failed to return the form and submit the form to the CU Advocate System. 

Course-Specific Expectations

The faculty member is responsible for determining and communicating course-specific academic integrity expectations. Faculty members are responsible for stating course-specific expectations in writing, particularly those regarding use of sources and collaboration. All faculty should note these requirements in their course syllabus and reference the current Academic Integrity Policy.

Students are responsible for consulting their instructors for any clarification needed on academic integrity standards, including those set forth in this policy and those that are course-specific.

Students Reporting Academic Integrity Violations

Every student is charged with the responsibility of acting in accordance with the standards of integrity established by the University and ensuring that his/her fellow students also abide by these standards. As a member of the University community, students that have knowledge of a possible academic integrity offense, they should immediately contact the appropriate academic representative (School Dean, faculty mentor or academic advisor) that will act as an academic integrity advisor. Students do not necessarily need to disclose the course, the instructor, the student suspected of engaging in academic integrity violations, and/or other identifying details at this time. During this conversation, the advisor will explain the two criteria necessitating the action of reporting an academic integrity violation.

Before reporting a fellow student for suspicions of academic integrity violations, two criteria must be present:

  1. Act violating academic integrity. An incident is an action that violates academic integrity, as outlined by the University. 

  2. The alleged violation will have a significant impact on the learning environment or grade of the suspect and/or others. 

The academic advisor will ask whether or not the criteria have been met, but will not advise or instruct the student to report. If, after discussing the matter with the academic integrity advisor, the student believes an academic integrity violation may have occurred, the student should report the case. Though the academic integrity advisor will answer all questions, this decision to report lies within the sole discretion of the student. Calling upon the advice of an academic integrity advisor in no way binds a student to report a case; however, it should be noted that academic integrity is the foundation of the University.

Student Reporting Procedure

Every reasonable effort will be taken to protect the identity of the reporting student as is appropriate to ensure fairness of the case and prevent undue repercussions for reporting.

If a student witnesses a violation of academic integrity or otherwise has reason to believe that a violation has occurred, they may choose among several possible courses of action.

Talk with the suspected student urging them to self-report to the faculty member of the course.

Discuss the observed action with the faculty member, not naming those involved, to obtain guidance and determine if the observed act merits action under the Academic Integrity Policy and course syllabus.

Report the incident directly to the course faculty member with full details of the incident following the guidance of the faculty member for making a formal report of academic integrity violation.

Report the incident with full details using the Cumberland University anonymous Comment Hotline, 615-453-6333.

Academic Integrity Board

The Academic Integrity Board (AIB) advocates and raises the awareness of academic integrity at Cumberland University by upholding the University’s Core Values: 

Value 1: Personal Integrity,

Value 2: Worth of the Individual,

Value 3: Critical, Independent Thinking,

Value 4: Discipline, and

Value 5: Community Responsibility and Accountability. 

The responsibility of acting with integrity deals with each member, administration, faculty, staff and student of the University. The AIB reports to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.

It is the role of AIB to: 

  • Make decisions on appeals of academic integrity violation and sanctions filed by students; 

  • Collect, report and analyze data from appeals of academic integrity violations and sanctions, and to use said data for continuous improvement of the academic integrity policies and processes; 

  • Inform the University community of the academic integrity violation appeals process through written guidance and ongoing oral and written communications as appropriate; and

  • Ensure that the academic integrity practices of the University are aligned with current best practices for university academic integrity.


AIB Guidelines and Interpretation of Bylaws

All decisions made by the AIB will be made by a simple majority vote of the members, as long as a quorum of voting members exists. A quorum exists whenever a simple majority of the AIB members are participating in the decision. 

Subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees and/or Office of Academic Affairs, the AIB is the final authority with regard to the interpretation of these bylaws, except in cases where there is a conflict with the policies of the Board of Trustees or Office of Academic Affairs.

Upon a majority vote by the Academic Integrity Board membership, amendment(s) may be made to the AIB bylaws.

Appeal Meeting Procedures

Upon receiving a student appeal of an academic integrity violation from the Office of Academic Affairs, the AIB Chair will schedule an academic integrity appeal meeting within 10 business days of receipt of the appeal. Appeal meetings can occur in-person or virtually, depending on the needs of AIB members, the faculty member, and the student initiating an appeal. AIB members should disclose any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves as appropriate.

All appeal meetings begin with a preliminary debriefing held with AIB members only. At the start of the meeting, the AIB member designated as the Meeting Coordinator (typically the Chair or Vice Chair) gives a brief summary of the case. The meeting coordinator reminds the AIB members that they are to maintain confidentiality about the case following the meeting. 

Following the preliminary meeting, the AIB meets jointly with the course faculty member, student who is appealing, and any others in support of the student (advisor, character witness, etc.). The meeting coordinator, typically the AIB Chair or Vice Chair, makes introductions of everyone in the room, discusses the purpose of the meeting, and reviews meeting protocol and procedures. The AIB has the authority to rule in favor of either the faculty member or the student. The AIB also reserves the right to modify sanctions previously imposed by the faculty member so as to align with University standards and policies, which may include a lesser or more severe sanction than originally assessed by the faculty member.  The meeting coordinator will ask for questions or comments from the student and those attending in support of the student. At that point the student and those in attendance with the student are dismissed.

The AIB meets with the faculty member in order to hear their side of the case and clarify evidence. AIB members ask questions for clarification. The faculty member is dismissed once all questions have been answered.

The AIB then meets alone with the student that initiated the appeal. Witnesses and other supporters for the student are not allowed to attend this phase of the appeal meeting, unless the student appealing the academic integrity violation is a minor. The student is provided the opportunity to explain their side of the case and clarify evidence. AIB members ask questions for clarification and once all questions have been addressed the student is dismissed from the meeting. 

Following the faculty member and student interviews the AIB deliberates to discuss the case and the evidence. The AIB votes on whether to affirm, reverse or modify the faculty member’s decision and/or sanction. Should the AIB decide to modify the decision and/or sanction of a faculty member, it may render a lesser or more severe sanction based upon the AIB’s findings.

The meeting coordinator will notify the faculty member, student, Dean of Students, and Office of Academic Affairs as to the AIB’s decision via email within two (2) business days of the appeal meeting. Minutes of the appeal meeting are recorded and submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs and Dean of Students. The student may appeal an unfavorable decision by the AIB. Student appeals from the decision of the AIB must be made to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs within 5 days of the AIB rendering its decision. The decision of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs is final.

Committee Composition & Appointment:


The AIB consists of at least seven (7) members that include two (2) representatives from each of the academic schools of the University and an incumbent chair. In addition, AIB appeal meetings to consider a student appeal of an academic integrity violation and/or sanction will have at least one student representative present. The student representative for the AIB will be drawn from a pool of representatives. Note: If circumstances prevent a faculty representative from attending an AIB meeting, they may designate an alternative representative from their School for that meeting. Faculty representatives must recuse themselves from academic integrity cases that present a conflict of interest (i.e. the AIB member is the course instructor, student’s faculty advisor, or student’s faculty mentor). The AIB committee composition at meetings at which AIB business is to be conducted should assure adequately informed representation of the University.

The AIB will operate with an internally appointed Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary (note that under certain cases the Chair and Vice Chair should be from different Academic Schools to facilitate appropriate representation). Elections for Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary occur at the first fall of each year following any vacancy.

Student representatives must have no prior academic integrity violations, must have 60+ credit hours, and have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0. A pool of at least two student members per academic school will be generated at the beginning of each fall semester, but under most circumstances no more than one student member need be present for decisions on academic integrity violations. The student representatives will be recommended by CU faculty, verified by the Dean of Students, and appointed by the corresponding School Dean. Student representatives present at any AIB meeting to consider a student appeal of an academic integrity violation and/or sanction must not have a conflict of interest with the student involved in the violation.

Faculty appointments from the School of Nursing and Health Professions and At-Large Bids will occur in the fall of even years. Appointment of representatives from the School of Humanities, Education and the Arts, along with the School of Science, Technology, and Business will occur in the fall of odd years. In cases where committee members vacate a position, special appointment will be made to fill the open position by the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.    

The AIB will meet once each semester during faculty call-back week or when the circumstances deem it necessary.

Terms of Service:

School representative members of the AIB term of service is four years and is limited to two consecutive terms

It is recommended that the Chair-elect be a continuing service committee member (having served one term previous). Special accommodations will be made in the case of a Chair’s resignation and a special election will be held to replace the Chair.

The term of service as Chair is four years. A Chair may serve no more than two consecutive terms in this position, but unlimited total terms as AIB Chair during their tenure as a Cumberland University employee.

The term of service as Vice Chair is four years. A Vice Chair may serve no more than two consecutive terms in this position, but unlimited total terms as AIB Vice Chair during their tenure as a Cumberland University

The Secretary will be elected by the membership of the Academic Integrity Board. A term of service as secretary is four years. A Secretary may serve no more than two consecutive terms in this position, but unlimited total terms Secretary during their tenure as a Cumberland University employee.

It is recommended that the Chair-elect must be a continuing service committee member (having served at least one term previously). Special accommodations will be made in the case of a Chair’s resignation and a special election will be held to replace the Chair.

Cabinet Roles: 

The Chair has the following roles: 

  • It is the role of the AIB Chair to communicate with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and/or the Dean of Students related to academic integrity at the University, which will include receiving advisement and communicating AIB recommendations of policy and/or procedure

  • It is the role of the AIB Chair to guide the operations of the AIB.

  • It is the role of the AIB Chair to ensure that the AIB’s activities are appropriately communicated to CU administration and faculty.

  •  It is the role of the AIB Chair to ensure that meeting agendas and all material pertinent to academic integrity violation appeals are distributed to AIB members at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date and time. 

  • It is the responsibility of the AIB Chair to oversee the AIB sub-committee and to delegate responsibilities necessary for carrying out AIB activities. 

  • The AIB will communicate and coordinate with the appealing student and reporting faculty in order to schedule the appeal meeting. The Chair will email the Appeal Submission Form (Appendix D) to the reporting faculty member.  

The Vice Chair has the following roles: 

  • It is the responsibility of the AIB Vice Chair to perform the responsibilities of the AIB Chair in the absence of the AIB Chair for a called meeting and/or academic integrity appeal.

  • The Vice Chair serves as Chair-elect and should be knowledgeable in the duties and functions of the Chair. 

The Secretary has the following roles: 

  • It is the role of the Secretary to record, maintain, and publish minutes for AIB meetings. Minutes for AIB meetings will be presented to the AIB member and approved prior to publishing with the Office for Academic Affairs. It is important that the Secretary keep accurate records of AIB decisions, important material, and the AIB member voting. Specifically, the Secretary will record academic integrity violation appeals as follows:(a) the charge (excluding the name of the student filing the appeal to support de-identified statistical reporting and other appropriate de-identified uses, (b) a summary of the evidence presented by or on behalf of the student and faculty member, (c) the sanction imposed by the AIB, and (d) the rationale for said sanctions. 

  • It is the role of the Secretary to prepare or aid in the preparation of AIB correspondence as requested by the Chair or Vice Chair.

  • The Secretary shall collaborate with the Chair in analyzing academic integrity violations from the CU Advocate System for the purpose of sharing with faculty, staff and students authorized to access information from the CU Advocate System, and to inform on this policy and other relevant University policies.



Cumberland University Academic Integrity Violation Report Form

Instructions for Use by Faculty:

Academic integrity at Cumberland University should be promoted and protected. The purpose of this form is for faculty to document and report incidents of a student violating the University’s standards of academic integrity. The Academic Integrity Violation Report Form is completed by the faculty member after determining to assess sanctions against the student for academic integrity violations (see Appendix A – Academic Integrity Sanctions Table). The completed Academic Integrity Violation Report Form and supporting documentation is uploaded into the CU Advocate System and utilized by the Academic Integrity Board and/or Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs in the event the student appeals the faculty member’s decision and/or assessed sanctions. The Report may also be utilized for other limited purposes as permitted in the Policy.


Within 48 hours of learning about the incident, the faculty member will contact and request to meet with the student in a persona, virtual or telephonic meeting.
Definitions of the categories of academic violation are available in Appendix A - Academic Integrity Sanctions Table.
No less than 24-hours and no more than five business days after the meeting, the faculty member and student sign the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form, indicating the student’s agreement or disagreement with the academic integrity violation and assessed sanction. If the student refuses to sign within the required timeframe, the faculty member will sign the form, indicate that the student did not sign and the reason, and promptly submit the signed form to the CU Advocate System.
The AIB Chair, School Deans, Dean of Students, and Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs may access the documents once uploaded into the CU Advocate System.
Students who sign the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form may appeal whether (1) the faculty member’s decision is sufficiently supported based on the materials discussed during the initial academic integrity incident meeting(s) and/or (2) the sanction is appropriate for the violation and/or is in conflict with course policies as stated in the syllabus. See Appendix C – Academic Integrity Appeal Form for further instructions on filing the appeal.

Prior to making their decision about the student’s academic integrity violation and assessing sanctions, Faculty members may submit a request to the AIB Chair or Dean of Students seeking information on prior academic integrity violation reports which may weigh on the instructor’s decision. Faculty may also request information about prior academic integrity violations related to nominating students for honor societies, awards, admissions, and campus leadership positions. Such requests will be answered in the affirmative or negative, Upon which the faculty member may request further information provided that the following safeguards are utilized:

Requests for access to student academic integrity violation information stored in the CU Advocate System must be made to the AIB Chair or the Dean of Students.
Faculty members must present a documented legitimate educational interest pertaining to academic integrity issues.
Faculty members must sign a FERPA acknowledgement.
The student’s CU Advocate System record may not be removed from the office of the Dean of Students, nor can photocopies or other reproductions be made. Any and all access to the CU Advocate System files will be logged.

The AIB Chair or designee may request records of academic integrity violations for students who submit appeals for the purpose of providing context for academic integrity violation appeals.
Academic Integrity Violation Reports shall be filed before the submission of the final grade in the course.

Students should be made aware of the following:

  • Upon reviewing the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form students must wait a minimum of 24-hours and a maximum of 5 business days after meeting with the faculty member to sign the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form.
  • Students appealing the academic integrity violation decision and/or sanction must complete the Academic Integrity Appeal Form and submit to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs within 5 business days of the date that the Academic Integrity Violation Report Form was signed or due to be signed by the student. The Provost will forward the appeal to the AIB Chair.
  • On appeal, the AIB may affirm, reverse or modify the faculty member’s decision and/or sanction, including an increased or reduced sanction in the sole discretion of the AIB.
  • Grade sanctions of an FC have the following implications:
    • The student will be placed on Academic Probation for the following semester.
    • The FC will never be removed and remains permanently on the student transcript.
    • No honors at graduation.

    Students may be impacted within their degree program based on the academic integrity violation.
    The Office of Student Affairs may impose additional sanctions relating to student conduct standards and requirements.

Academic Integrity Appeal Student Form - Rev 5-2-22

Academic Integrity Sanctions - Rev 5-2-22
Academic Integrity Violation Faculty Report Form - Rev 5-2-22