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EDT 682 Common Core Mathematics

Public education has entered an age of increasing accountability. One consequence of this is the development of the Common Core State Standards. This course will examine the Common Core Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM). Part of the course will focus on the background factors that led up to the present Common Core initiative, and the relationship of CCSSM to previous mathematics education initiatives such as STEM and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards. Societial and educational factors that have supported CCSSM will also be considered. Another aspect of the course is a focus on how CCSSM differs from previous initiatives. During the course students will determine what mathematics topics and processes will receive increased attention and which ones will receive decreased attention. An important feature of CCSSM is the Mathematics Practices. The coursework will examine the Mathematical Practices and delineate how current research supports these practices. Additionally, some time will be spent comparing the Mathematical Practices and the NCTM Process Standards. An important facet of CCSSM involves new and emerging technologies. It is critical to determine the appropriate role of technology in teaching and learning in the CCSSM environment. The role of technology in the assessments planned for CCSSM are equally important. A final focus will be on how CCSSM relates to the classroom and how to implement CCSSM in the classroom. As a result of completing this course, a student will have an overaching knowledge about CCSSM as it relates to previous initiatives and what societal and educational factors have suported the CCSSM.
