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ART 475 Methods of Teaching Art

This course provides students with practical approaches to implementing the Learning Standards for the Visual Arts in a K-8 setting. Students learn a range of teaching and classroom management techniques specific to the art classroom; create lesson plans and assessments; and incorporate directive, constructive/critical inquiry and discovery based methods of instruction. Students independently research ideas and content for art lessons, self and peer evaluate teaching performances and develop strategies for improvement. Exit requirements include the submission of a professional teaching portfolio. In the accompanying lab, students teach a single grade level in art once a week in a local school, based on lessons developed in class. Classroom management and logistics along with constructive learning/inquiry based teaching techniques are strongly emphasized and assessed. Materials Fee. Prerequisites: ART 375; if students have not yet completed EPY 350, students must take EPY 350 prior to or during the same semester as ART 475. Before being approved to take ART 475, students must have a 3.0 overall and a 3.0 within the major. Fall, Spring
