
Harassment-Threats and Violence

The purpose of this policy is to create and maintain a learning environment wherein all students maximize productivity in their studies without exposure to offensive or threatening conduct.  The University supports the free and orderly exchange of ideas on the part of its students. But (1) sexual harassment; (2) racial, religious, gender, nationality, ethnic, and other forms of harassment; and (3) violence and threats of violence are expressly prohibited. These types of misconduct disrupt the educational studies of University students, and it is the intent of Cumberland University to eliminate these types of misconduct.


  • Sexual Harassment

    • Physical assaults or physical conduct that is sexual in nature (touching, pinching, or brushing against another’s body).

    • Unwelcome sexual advances, sexual propositions, and/or requests for sexual favors.

    • Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that would interfere with an individual’s performance, or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning and living environment.

    • Sexual displays or publications such as computer pornography.

    • Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that would interfere with an individual’s performance, or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning and living environment.

    • Retaliation for complaints of harassment.

  • Gender, Racial, Religious, National Origin, Disability, Age, or Sexual Orientation Harassment

    • Any conduct based on gender, race, religion, national origin, disability, age, or sexual orientation which interferes with a student’s ability to perform or participate in educational activities or University‐sponsored activities.

    • The use of “slurs” or other offensive language which could encourage or provoke physical confrontations.

    • Retaliation for complaints of harassment.

  • Violence and Threats of Violence

    • Any conduct which involves the offensive touching of another person.

    • Intimidating or threatening gestures or body posture that reflects possible violence or a threat of violence.

    • Verbal threats to “get even” or “go postal” or similar statements that cause a student or University employee to fear possible harm by another student or University employee.

What to do if you experience antisocial behavior

These types of antisocial behavior can be blatant or they can be subtle. Despite the definitions above, it is sometimes difficult to recognize whether particular conduct falls within these types of antisocial behavior. Any student who feels victimized by any of these types of antisocial behavior should report the conduct immediately. Unless the student feels he or she will be subject to violence, the student should tell the offender to stop the offending conduct. If the conduct involves sexual advances, he or she should tell the offender that the advances are unwelcome.

Reports should be made to the Dean of Students and will be routed to the correct campus office for investigation. Students will be asked to file a written report providing as much detail as possible concerning the situation, people involved and/or behavior performed. Sensitivity and confidentiality will be of the utmost concern.

How reports should be handled

Reports of antisocial behavior will be promptly investigated.  In most cases, the investigator(s) will meet with the person making the report to get a complete and accurate statement concerning the nature of the problem. The investigator(s) usually will then meet with the accused student or employee and other potential witnesses. Once the facts have been gathered, Cumberland University will try to address and eliminate any problems through one or more of the following actions: (1) verbal counseling sessions with those committing possible antisocial behavior; (2) group meetings or training sessions; (3) referrals to formal counseling, at the expense of the student or employee; (4) written disciplinary action or suspension; or (5) expulsion from the University.

In most cases, the student reporting the antisocial behavior will be informed of the results of the investigation and the remedial action taken.

While all reports of antisocial behavior will be treated as confidentially as possible, the requirement to conduct an impartial investigation means that complete confidentiality cannot be assured.

Your Role and Responsibility

  • First and foremost, each of us is responsible for our own conduct and should avoid the types of behavior addressed in this policy.

  • Second, each of us has a responsibility to report antisocial behavior that we experience or observe.

With your help in enforcing this policy, we can make Cumberland University a better and more productive place to learn for all students.


Hazing is defined as any act which endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student, or which destroys or removes public or private property, for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense. Apathy or acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they are violations of this rule. Complaints involving allegations of hazing may be brought before the Dean of Students for review without regard to set disciplinary regulations.

Definitions and procedures regarding this policy can be found at www.cumberland.edu under the “Student Policies” and “Student Right to Know” links below the “Current Students” tab.