
Electronic Device Policy

Cell phones, PDAs, Pagers, and all other personal electronic devices (PED) are not to be used during the clinical experience setting. Involvement in clinical experience should be viewed the same as attending class. In both of these situations, students are not to utilize their electronic device for talking, texting, or utilize their PED for use that are not educational in nature. Please leave your cell phone in your designated space in the athletic training room or in your vehicle during your clinical experience. During classes your cell phone is to be turned off. Use of the cell phone during AT Program classes or clinical experiences may result in point deductions or being asked to leave the class or clinical experience. Each AT Program instructor/preceptor has the right to initiate their own PED policy for his/her classroom/clinical experience and each student is to adhere to those policies. Not abiding by these rules will result in implementation of the disciplinary policy. See Section IX - I for the Disciplinary Policy