2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog

Catalog Change

When you begin at Cumberland University you are considered to be in the catalog that is published when you entered. If during your enrollment your program has changes and you would like to switch to a more current catalog for which you have been enrolled, you have the right to appeal. Students must have enrollment for the academic year for which they request.

Required documents

  1. A letter from the student indicating the reason for requesting to change their catalog, indicating the catalog (academic year) to which they wish to change.
  2. Verification from the student's advisor that the catalog change will be reasonable for the student to complete their degree requirements in a timely manner.
  3. After completing your academic appeal paperwork, the School Dean in charge of the student's major should sign the academic appeal form.
  4. Once all documents and signatures have been obtained, bring the appeal form to the Office of the Registrar to be reviewed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. You will be notified in writing of the outcome of your appeal.