2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog

Psychological Crisis

For any behavior posing an imminent threat to the person him/herself, behaviors that are threatening to others, behaviors involving weapons, or other intimidating behaviors immediately call 911. Clearly state your name and your exact location on campus. Then call Campus Security to notify them of the situation.

During office hours, individuals may call the Counseling Center at 547-1397 and ask to schedule a crisis appointment.

If no one is available and it is a crisis situation, the following guidelines apply:

  • Call Campus Security for help, who can then call 911 or the CUCC Director.

    OR do any one of the following:

  • Call the assessment coordinator at McFarland Hospital at (615-449-0500).
  • Call the Crisis Intervention Center (615-244-7444).
  • Call Wilson County Mobile Crisis (800-704-2651).
  • Call Vanderbilt Respond (615-327-7000).

Regardless of what time of day or night a crisis occurs, if a student is actively suicidal and/or homicidal 911 should be called immediately or the student should be transported immediately to the emergency room (University Medical Center) or to McFarland Hospital.

Employees of Cumberland University should never transport a suicidal or homicidal student.